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Lunch Amical, Hotel Glacier, Grindelwald
Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 11:30

Chères Dames de la Chaîne

Chers Confrères

Liebe Gäste und Freunde

Anbei sende ich die Einladung für unseren nächsten Anlass im Hotel Glacier in Grindelwald.

Ich freuen mich auf zahlreiche Anmeldungen.  

Freundliche Grüsse

Kontakt Hans-Peter Bütschi / Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
Boutique Hotel & Restaurant Glacier
Endweg 55
+41 33 853 10 04

Here at the Hotel Glacier in Grindelwald, the Bernese Alps feel close enough to reach out and touch. Our 4-star boutique hotel keeps things personal, with just 28 rooms and suites striking the perfect balance between home-style comfort and one-of-a-kind alpine design. Since reopening in spring 2018, following a complete revamp, we’ve welcomed guests from all over the world to this astoundingly beautiful corner of the Jungfrau Region.
Looking back on 150 years of history, our name alludes to the Lower Grindelwald Glacier that once reached all the way to the valley. Now the hotel shines once again with a fresh-faced sustainable design that reveals a love of the ice and mountains found right on our doorstep. One glimpse of Eiger North Face through your window and you’ll be itching to head outdoors and hit the heights.
Book your stay directly with us for the best available rates and warmest of welcomes.

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